The Santa Fund, one of the nation’s longest running newspaper-sponsored charities, collects donations to provide vouchers for families to buy shoes, clothing, school supplies and other essentials for children in need.
The fund was created in 1894 by The Daily Progress’ founding publisher, James H. Lindsay. Co-sponsored by The Progress and radio station WINA-AM, in conjunction with the United Way of Greater Charlottesville, the Santa Fund serves children in the city of Charlottesville and the counties of Albemarle, Buckingham, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa, Madison, Nelson and Orange.
You can donate online at or by mailing a check to Santa Fund for Schoolkids, 200 Garrett St., Suite I, Charlottesville, VA 22902. You also can honor or remember a loved one by giving in their honor or memory. The Daily Progress will publish the names of new donors and designate in whose honor a gift is donated as collections are made.
Today’s total: $1,130.35.
Running total: $2,480.35.
Goal: $225,000.
To reach goal: $222,519.65.
Today’s contributions
Alison Smith: $380.35.
Carol & Jack Weber Fund: $500.
Stephen and Kathryn Thornton: $250.
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